Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"when I come back like Jordan, wearin the 4-5"

Holy moly, Internet, where the hell do I start?? The House was boarded up and empty for a hot little minute there, but I just have too much I have to tell you! Hah. I just felt like we were moving too fast, Internet...I think we've both benefitted from a little time off and are ready to get back into this thing. There are many things to discuss. Let's get it.


So obviously a lot has happened in the last 6 months or so since I've posted anything, but I'll try to recap at least some of them:

  • My favorite football team's quarterback is a huge creepy perv apparently. Big Ben had his second alleged sexual assault case, and the details that came out with this one were pretty disturbing, disgusting, and yet also hilarious. I was glad when the Steelers got rid of Santonio, and I was hoping they'd consider doing the same with Ben. But they didn't, and that's probably a good thing for now. It's just too bad that as a Steelers fan, I don't even like the team's QB. By all accounts, he's kind of a big jerk to almost everyone and creeps on and shows his dong to young, drunk college girls. Nice, Ben. Creep.
  • The World Cup was this summer. Not a huge soccer fan, but it's one of my favorite sporting events, and it didn't disappoint. And the U.S. didn't suck this time too, which was good.
  • The world's number one golfer and arguably the best of all-time, got caught bangin a bunch of whures and is now in shambles, personally and profesionally.
  • The Lakers beat the Celtics in the NBA Finals in 7 games, avenging their loss to them in '08. Not an actual Lakers fan, but thank God. Watching a washed-up KG (yeah yeah he showed up for the playoffs...still old) and a has-been Sheed strut around the court and yell like idiots with a title would have been awful.
  • Lebron...could say a lot about this, but I'm over it. He left the Cavs for the Heat, which is understandable, but did it in a very dick way on a one-hour tv special that made even a die-hard sports and NBA fan like me embarrassed that it was really happening. Btw, I will have NBA preview for upcoming season soon...oh, don't you worry.
  • Baseball...

What to look forward to -
  • Football is right around the corner. Yessssss...(Napoleon Dynamite voice)
  • NBA schedules came out yesterday, so basketball isn't too far off either. Always excited for some Griz ball...and I'm pumped for the Tigers too, but was a lot more excited a week ago when Will Barton was going to play...and Tiger fans that talk about how we should have kept Roburt Sallie are dumb, why? 1 tournament game and the rest of his career at U of M was crap, or just inconsequential blah


I've been able to watch a decent amount of movies and catch up on some good tv shows lately, and I must share...I don't usually see movies in theaters that often, but since I actually have someone to go with now (yes, my lovely, I've seen more than usual. So far we've seen Shutter Island, Inception, Toy Story 3, and The Other Guys. All 4 were good, I thought, with Toy Story 3 being the best of them all actually. The Other Guys with Will Ferrell is pretty awesome, though. Definitely worth seeing. However, the grand-daddy of them all, The Expendables, finally comes out this Friday. Be there or be square, Internet...

As far as tv shows, the lineup has been a little weak lately. The only shows I've been keeping up with have been Entourage (which is finally good again), Children's Hospital (a funny 15 minute show that just started recently on Adult Swim), and Tosh.O which is my favorite one going now. However, an awesome looking show called Boardwalk Empire premieres in September on HBO, and that's actually the same week that Season 7 of The Office begins. The end of Michael sad. P.S. The Lady and I have been catching up on seasons of The Office and are now through 4 seasons. Season 5 looks to start soon. We will get caught up before Season 7 begins, damnit!

Well, Internet, I've been rambling long enough and I must go, I'm afraid. But speaking of entertainment, I have saved the best for last today, kids. One game that Mr. Johnson and I are big fans of is Grand Slam Tennis on the Wii. That is one freaking awesome game, seriously. He usually gets the best of me overall, but the games are almost always close and just fun as hell anyway. Last night, old rivals met at Wimbledon, and yet another chapter of this great rivalry was written...

Special Edition, Wimbledon Recap - Boris Becker (Mr. Johnson) vs. John McEnroe (yours truly) - pictures included

Ze American came out strong, winning the first set...

The game quickly changed, however, as ze German Becker took control of the match...and Mac lost control of his temper...

The two would battle back and forth, sending the match into extra sets. Both Becker and McEnroe would survive match points against them. In the end, the American would prevail, as he should, 7-5.

Indeed, an epic win for a true American hero. Well, that's all for now. Have a good day, Internet. Hopefully you can be half as cool as John McEnroe.



  1. you are too silly! SEASON 5 TOMORROW! i look forward to reading more in the future :)

  2. Yay, Horace's House! Good stuff all around. And Wii Tennis... Ya nerds.
